The Links Exchange

Izumi Fountain District
What can I say? I've been calling Alexe a friend (and buggin' him incessently) for almost 3 year now. I admire his story telling ideas, and his artwork is simply gorgeous. This may be all one sided, but he's still a great person to talk/argue/tease with. Even if I feel horribly inadequate when I visit his site. That, and he has no idea what "cookie" is slang for. Mehehehe.
Boy Meets Boy
Sandra has to be the most kindred soul on keenspace. Not only is Boy Meets Boy a wonderful comic, but Sandra herself is an amazingly charming fun person to talk to. I still can't believe she puts up with my bitching/whining/depressive moods. The Goddess of Yaoi she may be, but she's also my closest girl friend in all of internetdom.^_^
Eternal Caffiene Junkie
Again, another person who puts up with me. Steph would have originally been under the #FTT crowd, but again, she helps cheer me up even in my most foulest moods.
Not Gonna to Take it
Kiwi is the girl! She, like Steph, know the proper way to cheer up a girl. And she's fun. And silly. heh.
Eat The Roses
Meaghan Quinn is a fellow Four Toon Hunter/teller, but first and foremost a friend who still looks out for this poor young lass when I need it. She and Frank make the cutest couple. And thus I begin to feel jealous. ^_^
Dennis is the fellow Comic Book fiend. He's a tad warped in the mind, but everyone is. Just be careful and try not to bring up "Reboot" in front of him. Or anything in Comicdom.
Bad Boys of Computer Science
Even after all that's happened, Nick still deserves to be in this category. That, and Shel is the ultimate evil sexy dominatrix of the #FTT, even when she isn't there. Otakon wouldn't be thesame without them.
Gods Of The Comic World (to me, at least)
Izumi Fountain District
See "Friends"
Sunday Morning Coffee
I wish I could call these guys friends. But they are much too big for that. Extremely funny, tongue in cheek, and canadian, They are truly Gods of the comic world out right. That, and they helped a poor newbie from the "AAHQ/FAHQ" get her legs online. Thanks guys.
Cute Wendy/Wendy
Josh Lesnick is absurd, wierd and has a tendancy to draw hentai. But he's still a major force to be dealt with, and funny to boot.
Clan of the Cats
Jamie Robertson's comic if the closest thing to mine. Beautiful art and color, and a great cast make this a great read. I vow to someday finish the fanart I began for this.
Sluggy Freelance
Actually, unlike most comics on the web, Pete Abrams didn't inspire me to jump into webcomicing. I didn't catch his series until my second year into Savior of Grace. But he still is one of the undisputed gods of webcomics, and a neato guy to boot.
Acid Reflux
This comic is the ultimate funny. I've been a fan since the beginning. although now updated sporracidically, it's still fantabulous.
Never Never
All I can say is: thank Gods for comebacks!
The Freakazoids (the #FTT crowd)
The Big List
Here's most people who show up in the channel, buit I list a few here too.
RPG World
Ian is the ulitmate man. Woot!
Polymer City Chronicles
Chris Morrison's comic is amazing. I mean, I normally stay as far away from gaming comics as I can, but this is just pure undultrated fun, kinda like brown sugar.
Receptor Fatigue
Darn his ability to use a brush!
It's James Thorpe. 'Nuff said.
Why, why did you leave, Glen and Dan?!?! Why?
Four Toon Hunters
Eat the Roses
See "Friends"
Boarders And Sister
Our illustrious leader, and one neato guy. He aslo runs Keenvention, making him the ultimate man of Keenspace.
Blotto Street
Mab is just a rockin' cool guy. Fun to attack the FTT with. His art style is completley unique, and just wonderful to watch.
Frank is the second half of the Megsie/Frank pair. An ultterly funny Canuck, his strip is always pushing the ultimate boundry of art and real life.
Untitled Again
Wowie. Pauly draw good. Pauly make me feel bad. That, and Mikey's kinda cute for a doodle.
Silly Cone V
Brandon "Scrubbo" is the ultimate noogie. Huggle pounces are necessary. and Japanese school girl, nevermind
Joe. What can I say. It's Joe. Weird fun ninny Joe. Joooe. uhuh. Joe.
More to Come!
The Big Ass Keen list.